You hear so much doom and gloom about the end of net neutrality but what is fact and what is fiction. Commissioner of the FCC, Brendan Carr gives the clear …
Sorting Through Streaming Services, Movie Pass & Netflix Cancellations
Editor in Chief of Exstreamist, Rob Toledo speaks about the 200 plus streaming services on the market & how the consumer maybe over whelmed by them; some streaming services are …
League of Legends Patch 8.10, Mid-Seasonal Invitational Analysis & Pyke: The Blood Harbor Ripper reveal
Inven Global, E-sports reporter James Hong discusses the changes in characters, weapons, rune trees in League of Legends patch 8.10. The Mid Seasonal Invitational is recapped & the character analysis …
Spoke with James Hong, Esports analyst for InvenGlobal, about League of Legends Patch 8.8. He breaks down the most important changes and we speak about the Spring Finals match between …
League of Legends Patch 8.7, N.A LCS Semifinals Recap & Spring Finals Predictions
Patch 8.7 is live and it includes a rework of Irelia, buffs & nerfs. Inven Global E-sports Analyst, James Hong breaks down this patch. James analyzes the semifinal game of …
When it comes to Artificial-Intelligence (A.I) we always hear about doom and gloom. From job losses to even world take over but could these things be just an over-reaction. Joining …