With the entire world heading towards a digital utopia, cyber terrorism is an issue. However it is an issue that is not being addressed and seemingly has no solution. What …
Is Having Empathy A Bad Thing?
We have all empathized with people and situations and sometimes we end up getting hurt. Is having empathy a good or bad thing? Joining me to break down empathy and …
A Computer, Can See You Are Wearing Your Name In Your Face!
We continue our conversation with: Associate Professor of Marketing at HEC Paris, Anne-Laure Sellier on how you can match the first name of strangers to their faces with high accuracy. …
Would you believe that Wi-Fi is an actual industry? Founder of Wi-Fi Now, Claus Hetting speak about the various innovations of Wi-Fi and why his organization is promoting the growth …
The free products & services that bring us convenience can also cause us difficulties; based on the Terms of Services Agreements that we as consumers agree to. Professor and Nationally recognized …
Author of: Surviving a Mass Killer Rampage: When Seconds Count Police Are Still Minutes Away, Chris Bird; discusses how Mass shootings shaped police tactics. Chris also gives tips on how …