When it comes to vacations you hear about going to California, Las Vegas, Florida but outside of those places where can you go for specific things? If you were looking …
As an adult it is hard to make friends. In certain cases you can’t consider the people at work your friends because they are your colleagues; it feels awkward letting …
You may not be aware of this but employers actually consider you their property; even outside the conventional working hours. Meaning if you developed an idea that was profitable it …
Founder of the Secret Society of Happy People, Pamela Gail Johnson explains why she created the foundation and how people define happiness. For more information about the Secret Society of …
Half of teenagers in the United States feel that they are addicted to their cell phones and feel pressure to respond to messages right away. The Average American checks their …
Super Seducer: Self Help Dating Guide or Cause for Concern?
Super Seducer is a dating simulation game by author and pick up artist Richard La Ruina. Over the last few weeks Super Seducer has received tons controversy for being misogynistic …