Growing up, I remember rushing home from school for my favorite cartoons. Shows like Batman the Animated series, X-men, Tiny Toons, Animanics and a host of others were a major …
Team MVP

Team MVP
Team MVP consists of three people who all share a background in radio broadcasting and also a love of games, movies and everything that entertains.
Would you pay fifty dollars to watch a movie that’s in the theaters at home? Apple is looking to make this happen. Michael Simon, staff writer at PC World & …
Don Ganguly, Founder and CEO of Home Union, joins us to speak about housing investments; apartment building or try to flip a home? He also explains why millennials aren’t buying …
Reviews & Previews Editor at, Ray Carsillo reviews: Mario and Rabbids: Kingdom Battle & Resident Evil: Revelations. The SNES Classic Pre-order nightmare is discussed along with previews of Destiny …
Managing Editor at, Erik Davis joins Mason to talk about movies that were over looked during summer. Trailers & their influences on movies are discussed. ”IT“ is reviewed along …
Editor at, Christian Toto and Mason give their thoughts on the Netflix original show: The Defenders; which premiered on August 18. The Tick, Narcos and television & streaming pacing …