The Dangers of Social Media

Social Media, Dangers, Snap Chat, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Social Chain, Social Media Marketing, London, Berlin, New York City, CEO, Co-Founder, Mental Health, Physical Health, Co-Founder, Steve Bartlett, Viral, Social Media Marketing, Responsibility, Social Media Strategist, MasonVeraPaine, Mason Paine,, Unabridged Millennial, Millennial,, MVP.Show, Chicago, Illinois, WGN Radio, Lifestyle

Social Media (Photo Provided By: Geralt of Pixabay)

In the last few months we have heard disturbing stories & studies about social media. From: our data not being safe, to the negative effects it has on our mental and physical health, it’s promotion of procrastination and a host of other issues. These things make you wonder what is the purpose of social media & how do you even properly use it. CEO and Co-Founder of Social Chain Steve Bartlett speaks about the dangers of social media and how to properly use it. Steve also explains the concept behind going viral.

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