League of Legends: Patch 8.12 & Character Spotlight

MasonVeraPaine, Mason Paine, MasonVeraPaine.com, Unabridged Millennial, Millennial, WGNRadio.com, MVP.Show, Chicago, Illinois, WGN Radio, Lifestyle, League of Legends, League of Legends Patch 8.11, League of Legends Patch 8.12, Shields, Karma, Janna, Orianna, Lux, Kindred, Yorick, Rumble, Lulu, Teemo, Mushrooms, Irelia, Yasuo, Runes, Hail of Blades, Guinsoo's Rageblade, Spear of Shojin, Atma's Reckoning, Bruisers, Tanks, Mages

Janna: League of Legends Support Character (Photo Courtesy of Riot Games)

Attack, Damage, Carry (ADC) champions were over hauled in League of Legends patch 8.11. Inven Global E-Sports Reporter, James Hong, gives an update on how ADC champions are adapting to the change. James also breaks down the latest changes in League of Legends patch 8.12 from characters, weapons and runes. Also, he points out the things that might be cause for concern in this upcoming patch. As an extra feature we do a character spotlight on Teemo; how to properly play him and the best runes and weapons for this champion.

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