Top Searched Google Trends Expert Justin Burr

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Google Trend Expert, Justin Burr is here with the top searched trends for the month of June in: Entertainment, Sports, and Odd News.

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Mason Paine & Justin Burr: June Google Trends 2022

Mason Paine: It’s June. And that means it’s time to take a look at the top search trends on Google with our trends expert, Justin Burr. Thanks for joining me, Justin.

Justin Burr: Hey, thanks for having me.

Mason Paine: So tell me, what are some of the top trends, that happened in June?

Justin Burr: Well, let’s say, you know, let’s, let’s not call a spade a spade. June’s best month in the year, I would say, you know, I was birthed. We got the summer solstice it’s summ-ery. Everybody’s running around. But there’s a lot of good stuff that happened as well. Outside of those things. Beyonce, Drake dropped some new tunes and admittedly, I liked them both.

Justin Burr: I honestly didn’t even realize, I guess I wasn’t really paying attention, but a couple hours ago I listened to both of their songs. So, Drake dropped an actual actually dropped a new album, but they’re leading, Drake’s leading song is sticky and it’s great, man. I love Drake. It’s a good song. And then Beyonce also dropped a song called break my soul, which everybody’s accrediting with like the resurgence of house music and the fact that she’s like capturing these like Chicago Detroit style, like house music roots and implemented them into her song, which it’s a great song. I’m not gonna credit her with resurgence house music, cuz I don’t think house music really went anywhere, but the songs are good. Have you listened?

Mason Paine: Personally I have not, but I have heard rumors that Drake’s album is just trash and I was hoping you listened to it. I’m surprised you liked it. I heard a lot of people are like, oh, it’s it doesn’t sound like anything that he was doing before. And I’m thinking, well, isn’t that an artist to explore and experiment with their future stuff.

Justin Burr: I think that people are just haters. Honestly, I think that the fun thing to do in 2022 is just to say that everything sucks and like everything that put people put out there, any like large artist put something out, I feel like people’s knee jerk reactions say it sucks. I haven’t listened the whole album, but the, the song sticky is sick.

Justin Burr: I was jamming on it for sure. And I just like Drake quite a bit. And I think he’s super unique and the production style is awesome. And the beat is really cool. I haven’t explored the entire album, but sticky. Sticky is a good one. I would pop it on as, Beyonce song as well. It’s a very good summer happy vibes, pop it on sip and rose get in the sun. It’s the whole thing.

Mason Paine: Now, besides that another fun thing that happened this month was the NBA finals. I know you watched it cuz I watched it. What’d you think of it?

Justin Burr: I know we’re big NBA fans. You know, obviously I love the caliber of basketball that the golden state warriors bring night in and night out. Steph and Klay and mostly Steph is just so fun to watch. I mean, he’s just such an incredible player and, and the shooting style that he’s brought to the NBA, I was sad cause I’m not a warrior fan to see them take it all. But I’m also not a Celtics fan. I just wanted to go to game seven.

Justin Burr: So, you know, I was roomed for the Celtics and game six. Credit to the warriors, man, they are just so insane. And the fact that they were just not on anybody’s radar, leading into the season and then have fairly dominant NBA finals, like kudos to them, stoked up for them. I mean, happy, happy for Steph and, and just the, the legacy he solidifying for himself. So it was, it was awesome. I’m just glad that it’s over.

Mason Paine: Yeah. I was a little bit shocked that they even made it that far. I think with. The Suns being taken out by Mavericks. I was kind of shocked by that, cuz I thought it would be sons versus golden state warriors and then golden state warriors would be knocked out and it would be the Suns that would be go all the way.

Mason Paine: And to see that none of that happen, what I was expecting, the whole thing was an upset, I think personally, and then they won it. I’m like, well maybe I was wrong. I mean I love golden state warriors. I just didn’t expect them to win.

Justin Burr: The Celtics had, you know, a sub 500 record in January, and then they did a coaching switch. So like, it’s wild the way that they’ve been able to sustain their success in the latter half of the season, and then making the NBA finals and. If you look at the stats, what the, the combined NBA finals experience on the golden state wars was like, you know, those, those players that had like 130 NBA finals games under their belt collectively versus not one single player on the Celtics had ever been to the final.

Justin Burr: So I think that, you know, the experience came into play later in that series, but you know, the subject’s got a young core. Tatum what, 24, like, they’ll be back there. My boy Payton Pritchard out was the university of Oregon. Didn’t have the best finals. They need to kind of up their bench a little bit, but I don’t know.

Justin Burr: It’s funny when we look at the top search teams on Google, like golden state warriors, we’re number one of the top search teams throughout the entire season. So search and interest is any indication. You know, makes sense that they won the number two search team though is the Los Angeles Lakers. And we all know how that went. So we’ll see.

Justin Burr: Yeah. Why was that even trending trash? No, I’m just kidding.

Justin Burr: no, not good. I know LeBron was also the number one trending player as well. So if only trend trend, Google trends could get you just into the playoffs, which the Lakers couldn’t even do with LeBron James Anthony Davis. So it’s a bummer.

Mason Paine: Let’s see, what else happened in June father’s day? What did you get for your dad for father’s?

Justin Burr: Yeah, it was Papa’s day. You know, I was actually in town in San Diego, so I graced him with my presence. Got fired up, gave him a hug, did some paling around. So that was good. But yeah, we always see a lot of search interest around like, you know, what kind of gifts to get the actual, the top trending search around gifts was gifts for dads who like yard work.

Justin Burr: I mean, do dads, I understand that like being part of a dad is like taking good care of your lawn and tending to your trees and such. Do dads really get that juiced up on yard work gifts?, I mean, I, I can’t imagine dude, but maybe, I don’t know. I’m not a dad, so it’s hard to say.

Mason Paine: It’s so funny. You said that, maybe about 10 years ago, my sister had bought my father a brand new lawnmower and he was so geeked out. He was so geeked out by that lawnmower. So every year afterwards my sister would get him some kind of like lawn thing and it was hilarious. And at some point I think she just stopped because there’s only so much equipment you can buy before he has it all. And it’s very difficult to get somebody something when you don’t, you’re not even sure what they like anymore. Apparently it’s yard work.

Justin Burr: Yeah. yeah. Yard work. Lawn mower. Yeah. It’s interesting. I do feel. You know, you become a dad, you get married, you have a kid. And then all of a sudden, this, this switch turns on your brain where you’re like, wait, I have to have the best lawn on the block. And then you get stoked up about getting a lawnmower , for father’s day.

Justin Burr: So, so that’s great. I don’t know some interesting other searches do that one part of your father’s day poems from wife that search interest increased by 150%. So I guess the wives were unsure what to get, get the husband. So they defaulted to poem. I bet. That’s great. You know, I mean, I haven’t really searched that myself, but there’s probably some heartfelt stuff that you can find on Google in the poem sector.

Mason Paine: Oh, wow. Going from lawns to poems. I mean, that’s a full spectrum, right there.

Justin Burr: Just kind of shows that dads are mysterious. We don’t really know what to get ’em. So we’re gonna give ’em a lawnmower and a poem and send them on their way. I feel like my dad every year is. Don’t gimme anything. Just, just let me watch the golf and don’t bother me with anything.

Justin Burr: I just wanna kick back and, and watch the golf. Cause there’s always a golf from that every year. I’ve always there.

Mason Paine: Now, something I’ve noticed was, ketchup popsicles, but I have no idea exactly what that is. What is that, man?

Justin Burr: Yeah, it’s pretty gross, I mean, I like ketchup. I eat ketchup. Put ketchup on fries. I’m stoked up about it, but the ketchup Popsicle, it seemed like a tough thing to draw to, to actually do that. I might draw the line on that. I’d like to try it though. Try everything, you know, have, have an open mind, but yeah, so French’s is unveiled literally a Popsicle, like a ketchup flavored Popsicle that you can buy.

Justin Burr: And they say that it’s made from like, it is ketchup. Just like frozen ketchup. Popsicle seems, seems honestly atrocious, but again, maybe they infuse some other flavors. Maybe the cold temperature makes a little bit more appetizing. I don’t know. Would you try it?

Mason Paine: I have no idea. It looks weird. I’m not sure is I kind of feel it’s gonna be salty, you know?

Justin Burr: Yeah. Could be, could be. I mean, I don’t know the photo. I’m looking at a, an article right now and. It looks pretty good. Oh, they’re actually only available in Canada. What, which I’m actually going through tomorrow. So maybe I’ll pick one up. Yeah, that’s messed up.

Mason Paine: Do that, take a picture, put it on Instagram. We’re gonna see. Maybe we can do like a little video. I wanna see your review of it.

Justin Burr: Oh man. Fe is ketchup circle, dude. That’s so weird. Gross. I would like to try that sound. It sounds weird. Yeah.

Mason Paine: I mean, you know, just for experience, for experience sake, let’s try it. But other than that, I’m not sure I’m gonna stock my fridge with it.

Justin Burr: Exactly. We’re open minded people. Try, try to catch up practical, live a little.

Mason Paine: Now this is another one about food. 4th of July is coming up. I just want, I’m curious, what are the trends around that?

Justin Burr: Yeah, I think, you know, it’s a big, big food holiday and so, you know, I, I bet you can guess the number one trending food for 4th of July.

Justin Burr: Think about it?

Mason Paine: Barbecue has to be?

Justin Burr: What specifically though? Ribs. Barbecue. No hot dog, dude. What I mean? I mean, yeah, because like, dude, I feel like, I feel like a hot dog is so synonymous and isn’t that also when they do the hot dog eating con yeah. They do the hot dog eating contest as well out here in Coney island, which like honestly is tough to watch.

Justin Burr: Dude kind of freaks me out. It’s like it’s too. Ah, I don’t know. It’s like it’s grossed. There’s so much food dude. So much food. It.

Mason Paine: I think what grosses me out is when they dip the hot dog in the water. That’s weird. Like what are doing dude?

Justin Burr: No gross dude. Yeah, actually my pal Malad did a fundraiser, two nights ago where he had people pledge a certain amount of money for as many, chicken McNuggets that he could eat.

Justin Burr: And he ate 50 in one setting. Kidding. Oh, which is pretty insane. Then we also looked up what the world record is for eating a hundred chicken McNuggets. Like how quickly they did it, how quickly you think you, somebody ate a hundred chicken McNuggets, a hundred,

Mason Paine: You know what? It’s gonna be ridiculous. So I’m gonna say two minutes,

Justin Burr: dude. Close four minutes. Oh,

Mason Paine: four minutes, minutes. I was like someone inhaling it.

Justin Burr: It took an hour and 20. Yeah. I mean like they just, yeah, they inhaled it. Well, the other, the other trends. So we’ve got hot dog, number one, then cold Flo potato salad. Sounds great, dude. I mean, I love a good 4th of July with those items on the, on the menu.

Mason Paine: You know, as I got older, it went from like barbecue to just beer and fireworks. I mean, did that happen for you too? Like it went from like childhood stuff and then like everybody now is just beer and fireworks. I don’t even think we eat.

Justin Burr: Yeah, no eating at all. Just, just beer and power. It is true. It is true. It’s just an excuse for us adults to just kind of sit around and, and drink beer. I am surprised that watermelon isn’t on there. I feel like watermelon is a pretty, pretty big, you know, summertime it’s really hot out. You wanna get hydrated? Have a watermelon. I don’t know it. Wasn’t on the top three though,

Mason Paine: I have watermelon all year round. So that that’s, there’s never a holiday. It’s like all year round, some kind of melon that’s at honey, do that’s great. Watermelon.

Justin Burr: I was gonna say, what’s your, what’s your favorite type of melon then?

Mason Paine: Oh, it’s watermelon, hands down. You put some of like, salt and then you put lime on it and a little bit of like, you know, red pepper. Bam. Right there. You got yourself dinner. .

Justin Burr: That that is. Thanks, dude. I’m, I’m fired up on that. I think we actually talked about this on a few shows ago, but I had, , like barbecued watermelon mm-hmm last, like a year ago.

Justin Burr: It was great. I, it like added a nice little Charry kind of smokey flavor to it, but it was still extremely refreshing and juicy. I it’s great. The watermelon is it’s a good fruit. No doubt.

Mason Paine: Was there anything trending that you thought was interesting this month?

Justin Burr: Well, you know, we saw a lot of search interest around Juneteenth as well as pride.

Justin Burr: And what’s interesting too. We, we looked at the top cities searching for pride parades and the number one city was Chicago, Illinois. So, your city was looking for how to celebrate pride, which is great. Also a lot of interest around what is Stonewall and when was Stonewall. And those were the uprisings in the late sixties that kind of led to the gay civil rights movement , and ultimately two pride event.

Justin Burr: And we also looked at like, kind of looking around, like, what are some interesting things that people are searching for in terms of like what to wear around pride and rainbow dress and rainbow shirt, top two, top two trends there. And then also in Juneteenth as well, a lot of stuff like people are just, I think, trying to educate themselves, like which amendment of the constitution abolished slavery.

Justin Burr: And then also like wind did Juneteenth become a national holiday, a lot of search interest around that.

Mason Paine: Because I’ve been here about it until it became a thing. And apparently it’s been a thing for a very long time and I kind of felt bad that I didn’t know about it. So you’re right. I was one of those people that was Googling.

Justin Burr: For sure. For sure. Yeah. I mean, it only recently became a federal holiday. But certainly has been around quite some time. It was the 13th amendment to the us constitution that abolished slavery. You know, Juneteenth has been around since then, so yeah, I’m glad it’s finally getting, getting more attention as it, as it should.

Mason Paine: Well, Justin, thank you so much for joining me. I really appreciate you being here. And for those interested in looking up some of these trends, where can they go?

Justin Burr: Yeah, no thanks for having me. And you can go to and you can see everything that’s trending in real time and look up certain queries and look by state or different regions. And, and it’s a fun, little interactive tool to checkout

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