How Devin Lezama Took His Passion For EDM And Made It To A Business

Festivals, Virtual Concert Experience, Insomniac TV, Ravers, COVID-19, Devin Lezama Coronavirus, CDC Protocols, Mason Vera Paine, Team MVP, MVP Show, Millennial, EDM Maniac, EDM, Virtual Events, Care, Live Streaming, EDM Maniac, EDM, Virtual Events

EDM Maniac (Photo Courtesy of Devin Lezama; Graphics Created By: Team MVP)

The shutdown of the pandemic was a game-changer. Millions of people lost their jobs, many countries lost tourism, and festivals around the world shut down. Now that states are opening up again and events are slowly coming back online, fans of EDM, music, and the arts are ready to go back to their favorite spots to see acts they missed. Though many festivals and concert venues have opened back up, promoters are taking advantage, creating new experiences for attendees.  Founder of EDM Maniac and Event Organizer, Devin Lezama discusses his upcoming events and steps he is taking to ensure safety.

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