Google Trends: Halloween Edition

Last Minute Ren Faire Costume (Photo Courtesy of Google)

Halloween has arrived. Find out what people are Googling from costumes to parties and food from Google Trends Expert, Elizabeth Howard.

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Google Halloween Trends Transcription

Announcer: Mason Vera Paine.

00:01Mason:  Halloween is upon us and people are running to Google for help. Joining me to speak about some of the top things people are searching for is Google trends expert, Elizabeth Howard. Thanks for joining me, Elizabeth.

00:12Elizabeth: Thanks for having me.

00:13Mason:  So Halloween, it’s one of my favorite holidays. And I’m just so curious, what was trending so far in Google?

00:19Elizabeth: Well, Halloween in October, we have so many fun trends this month. Our top trends were costumes, makeup and DIY effects, food, and decor. Of course, we had some local searches, which were really fun this month to see as well. Should we get into the costumes first?

00:37Mason:  Absolutely. That’s the best part. Are people looking to make their own costumes or they’re buying costumes?

00:44Elizabeth: We definitely had some people looking for top DIY costumes. Rosie the Riveter is the most search last-minute costume of all time in the United States, and Pirate is the most search DIY costume. But the breakout search that we saw this year is Barbie is the top trending costume of the year across every single state, which really never happens in our search trends. There were probably lots of Barbies out this weekend, and there’s going to be lots of Barbies out on Halloween night. We also saw a kin dog costume is the breakout pet costume search of the year, which I want to see pictures of these Barbie and kin dog costumes. Yeah.

1:30Mason:  That sounds so cute. I’m wondering, what is the dog going to wear? Is it going to wear a wig, a little hat, a cowboy hat, the whole theme? How’s it going to go?

1:40Elizabeth: I know. I also wonder the fur jacket that ken wears when he’s in his mojo jojo, cata house, maybe that is what the dog is going. To wear.

1:50Mason:  That would be so funny. You’re right. This will be absolutely fabulous. Was there any makeup ideas? I’m sure probably the low hanging fruit is to just get a costume. But I have to know, is there any makeup ideas for people?

2:05Elizabeth: Yes. Every October we do see face paint and theatrical blood’s bike. But this year we saw Carrie as the top training in costume search in conjunction with theatrical blood. We also saw yellow as the top trending contact lens color. A couple of months ago, we saw Barbie nails as a top trending nail design. Then this month we saw that change to ghosts. People were headed to the nail salon to get little ghosts on their fingernails.

2:35Mason:  That’s cute. I like that. I think you could do that year round, though. It’s not too big where it’s going to be noticeable, right?

2:41Elizabeth: Yeah, exactly.

2:43Mason:  Now, for kids, are there any craft things that were for children?

2:47Elizabeth: We did see some decor and how to make things, decorations-wise. We had dry eyes for smoke effects. A pumpkin candy bucket was a breakout search. We also saw people trying to make spiderwebs, graveyard fences, ghost for yard, skeletons, and scarecrows. There was definitely some DIY going on in household this month.

3:14Mason:  Yeah, we have a thing in our family where all the little kids will make Halloween decorations for the windows. It’ll just be a paper with a Frankenstein face on it, and they’ll either color it in or if they’re super good, they’ll try to cut it out of little pieces of paper and they’ll make something fancy. Of course, it’s garbage, but we put it up and we keep it for a while. I was just curious, do people do anything like that?

3:40Elizabeth: We really didn’t see too many art projects pop up in our trends, but one of the things we saw was mummy, cake pops and mummy, hot dogs, which I think would be really fun to do with kids if people are looking for something fun for kid activities.

3:58Mason:  That does sound pretty cool. What about pumpkin patches or the Halloween places? Are there Halloween haunted houses? Was that popping up at all on trends?

4:08Elizabeth: It didn’t pop up, which is actually surprising to me. But I do think if anyone’s interested in finding out the top pumpkin patches or anything fall-related, google. Com/trends will definitely show you all of that. Unfortunately, it didn’t pop up in this month, but that information would still be at google. Com/trends if people wanted to check it out.

4:31Mason:  Wow, I am shocked. Pumpkin patches was a huge thing, or apple picking. That was a fall thing, a big fall thing in our family. The haunted houses. No, it would be the time for it, right? You’d be looking for haunted houses.

4:46Elizabeth: Yeah, I was surprised. We did see one of the interesting things I noticed was as far as decor and household. The West Coast of the United States was searching more for Halloween decor, while most of the South and the east were searching for fall decor. I’m wondering if we dug into the data a little more, if we saw maybe the south and the east were going to more pumpkin patches than maybe the West Coast. I don’t know. That would be something interesting to.

5:13Mason:  Look into. That would be. But I think everybody can do this. What about Halloween parties? Was there any party trends?

5:19Elizabeth: We did have some recipes and food trends to pop up for parties. We had spooky pasta salad, spooky cinnamon rolls, and a spooky margarita, which sounds really fun. Then one thing I have never seen before was a spider web taco dip. You basically take the sour cream of the taco dip and make it into a spider web on top of the dip. It has a little scoopy vibe on top of it.

5:46Mason:  Oh, that sounds weird, but I’m interested and I’m a little bit intrigued.

5:51Elizabeth: Yeah, exactly.

5:52Mason:  Wait, so you mean to tell me Bloody Mary didn’t make the list like a Bloody Mary? I feel like that missed the boat there, right?

6:00Elizabeth: Yeah, that really probably should have been on the list. I will say our top third Halloween foods were the charcuterie board, Hallowe’en cookies, Hallowe’en cereal, Hallowe’en chicken nuggets, and fifth on the list, we finally get to Hallowe’en cocktails. We also saw Hallowe’en Gingerbread House, which I’ve never heard of a Halloween Gingerbread House, so I thought that was an interesting breakout search this month.

6:24Mason:  Yeah, I guess people wanted Christmas to come faster. They’re just foregoing Thanksgiving and just going right into this, right?

6:30Elizabeth: Yeah, exactly.

6:33Mason:  I’m a little curious. The charcuterie board, what is Halloween themed about it? I can’t wrap my head around that real fast.

6:40Elizabeth: Well, it looks like people have shakes some of the cheeses and those little goats and those mummy cake pops and mummy hot dogs I mentioned earlier. Those have also been on the charcuterie boards. Then I think people are decorating them with little plastic spiders and maybe some dark jam. Just trying to. Spook up a little bit.

6:59Mason:  Okay, that makes sense because I was thinking like you can’t do too much with meat.

7:06Elizabeth: Yeah, probably not.

7:08Mason:   Before I let you go, I have to know for Halloween, are you dressing up? Are you just passing out candy?

7:14Elizabeth: I am dressing up. I’m going to be Lord Farquad from Trek, and my dog is going to be the Gingerbread Man. If anyone sees us running around the neighborhood, we’re recreating the sea and run as fast as you can.

7:29Mason:  I hope you don’t have his legs.

7:32Elizabeth: Just not the gum drop button.

7:37Mason:  Not the gum drop buttons. I love that part. That is one of my favorite Cs. That sounds like great. Well, Elizabeth, thank you so much for joining me and for talking about all this stuff. For those listening, where can they find more information about all these trends?

7:50Elizabeth: You can go to to dig into your local data. I also want to recommend checking out bard. Google. Com if you need any last-minute costume ideas or recipes or budget hacks to decorate for Halloween or fall on a budget, you can just type in the prompts and Bard will give you several suggestions on how to make whatever you’re looking for. It’s a great way to see what’s going on around you and get some ideas.

8:21Announcer: This has been the Mason Vera Paine Show. Thanks for listening.

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