Google’s Top Searched January Trends

Google Trends (Photo Courtesy of Google)

It’s the end of January and Google Trends Expert, Baliey Tomson joins me to give insights on some of the top search trends people were searching for during the month in entertainment, beauty, odd news, sports and more.

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Google Trends January Transcription

Announcer  – 0:00: Mason Vera Paine.

Mason Paine0:02: The month of January has come to an end. Find out what were some of the top things people were searching for on Google during this time with Google trends expert Bailey Thompson. Thanks for joining me, Bailey.

Bailey0:13: Thanks for having me, Mason.

Mason Paine0:14: Now that January is over, I gotta know what are some of the big top trends that we had this month?

Bailey0:19: The month came and went and it. Was a busy month. I think even looking back on the trends, I forgot all the things that had happened from sports to entertainment. You had the Golden Globes at the beginning of the month. And as folks tend to do, they want to know who’s there and what they’re wearing. So Ali Wong, who won a best actress award for her role in beef, was one of the top trending people the day after the Golden Globes.

Bailey0:22: I think even looking back on the trends, I forgot all the things that had happened from sports to entertainment. You had the Golden Globes at the beginning of the month. And as folks tend to do, they want to know who’s there and what they’re wearing. So Ali Wong, who won a best actress award for her role in beef, was one of the top trending people the day after the Golden Globes. And I think part of that was. She was the first person of Asian descent to win that particular award in succession. I don’t know if you’re a fan. I’m a fan. Even though the series is over, they. Are still continuing to trend. They took home four Golden Globes. Kieran Culkin had a really entertaining acceptance speech. So they were top of mind. And then the Emmys were in the middle of the month. It is award season. As I mentioned, folks are interested in what people are wearing. Aubrey Plaza from White Lotus and Suki Waterhouse and Daisy Jones and the six were top trending for their red carpet dresses. And then Elton John earned himself an EGOT with his Emmy award. So a lot of people searching, what is an EGOT? Very busy in the entertainment.

Mason Paine1:23: Yeah, EGOT. That was actually really cool. I find it such a cool accomplishment when somebody wins. Like, I don’t know, part of me is like, why should I give a hoot if somebody wins all of it? But that is huge, right? I mean, an Emmy, Grammy, Oscar, what’s the Tony, I think, right? Tony?

Bailey1:40: Yeah. Yeah. It’s wild. I think it’s not until I actually. Think about go through the acronym to really think through, like, wow, that is a person of many talents across the board, right? Really impressive.

Mason Paine1:53: And then I’m trying to think, what did he win with his Oscar, right?

Bailey1:57: Like, what was that such a good.

Mason Paine1:59: Even I don’t to kind of look.

Bailey2:03: Up at the other ones. And now I’m realizing I didn’t even look up what Oscar was.

Mason Paine2:07: You know what, I don’t care what it is. I’m just going to believe that it’s, can you feel the love tonight from the Lion King?

Bailey2:13: Actually, yeah. Obviously what it is, right?

Mason Paine2:18: It’s like we’re just going to leave it at that. That’s the only suck I really think is worth it. No, I’m just kidding.

Bailey2:24: Exactly.

Mason Paine2:24: Now I got to know. I’m sure there was a lot of other things that was happening in the month of January. What about beauty stuff? Was that ever trending?

Bailey2:31: Yeah. So people are obviously zeroing in on. What their 2024 beauty routines and trends are. And there’s a number of trends going across social channels. So I don’t know if people are. Trying to understand what they are or how to emulate them, but I don’t know if you’re familiar. This is definitely a new one to me. The pre shower makeup trend, where you. Put on makeup, like experimental makeup, before. You shower, so you can try the. Winged eyeliner, the late look, whatever it. Is, and then you shower and you. Can wash it off. You can kind of play around with it, something I guess you wouldn’t want. To do before you go out.

Bailey3:03: So search Interest in pre shower makeup spikes and then lip oil and lip stains were at an all-time high. I don’t know if you’ve seen the videos where people are putting it on their lips and they take off this black stuff and then all of a sudden their lips are like a lovely shade of mob or pink or whatever it is. So, yeah, folks are very interested in how to stay relevant in 2024. And the other thing that trends data tells us is all about the bob haircuts and to the point where there’s bob haircuts I hadn’t even heard of, like the kitty cut and French crop. So people are very interested in what. Hairstyle to new year, new hairstyle.

Mason Paine3:42: I’m not going to lie. I heard of the page boy haircut. It looks absolutely ridiculous.

Bailey3:49: As someone who’s cut my hair short. Before and regretted it, I will not be exploring these trends.

Mason Paine3:57: I don’t know, maybe for science.

Bailey4:00: There you go.

Mason Paine4:02: For science. You’re going to do it. No, but I am guilty of the pre-shower makeup. But it’s not pre-shower for me. It’s like, if you have a day to do absolutely nothing, I’ll take all my makeup out and just be like, I’m trying all the colors. So I thought that was still a thing. Apparently people are like, no, we’re only doing it before showers.

Bailey4:23: That’s the smart thing, is what I. Do is I’ll get ready and I’m. Like, I’m going to try this thing that I saw on social. And then I try it and I. Am wiping it off and wasting time. So that’s definitely the more efficient way to try out makeup. A pre-shower, just pre-time.

Mason Paine4:39: I don’t know. Your way sounds like it’s the way to go, because then you’re in the crunch time. You got to get it done. Perfection on the first try, right?

Bailey4:48: That’s true. The pressure. Right.

Mason Paine4:51: There are other things that happened in January. I know it was extremely cold here in Chicago, but I’m sure the rest of the country as well. Was that trending at all?

Bailey5:00: It has been trending. So I was actually in Chicago for the holidays, and by most measures, my measure, I thought it was pretty mild, but I know that there have been blankets of snow, and so you guys are not the only one that are searching. Extreme cold weather search interest has spiked around arctic blasts. A lot of folks are just trying to understand how they can stay informed.

Mason Paine5:21: About the weather that’s ahead.

Bailey5:22: So search interest in if tomorrow day spike how to turn on weather alerts. Was a breakout search, which you can. Do on Google maps. And as a dog owner, I really appreciated that folks are really interested in how to keep dogs’ feet warm in the snow. And then within Illinois specifically, folks have really been searching winter storm warnings, which if you looked at a map, it. Kind of makes sense. Down in the southern, south of the country, they’re searching coastal flood warning. You have more central areas and northern areas that are like Illinois Searching winter storm warnings. So people are trying to understand what’s. Coming and how to prepare themselves for know.

Mason Paine6:06: Shameless plug right here. I have a pixel phone, and it automatically tells you the weather alerts. So I’ve been so lazy, I don’t even look up the weather anymore.

Bailey6:16: We love that for you. That’s exactly what Google maps and pixel alerts. That’s the best way to stay informed.

Mason Paine6:23: Yeah, it’s crazy because it’ll just say, you know, flood warning, and it floods. Where I live at. So I knew it was going to flood anyways because the grounds are frozen and all this rain has to go somewhere and it’s going to go in your house. But I like having the warning, and it helps so much. And I’m really shocked. Like, my sister, she has an Apple phone, and it doesn’t do that. I’m like, it doesn’t.

Bailey6:49: Pixels, they keep you prepared and know.

Mason Paine6:52: Was there any Odd news that happened? Because I love Odd news. Throughout the month.

Bailey6:56: There was some Odd news. So given recent events, maybe it doesn’t. Feel so Odd now. It’s no surprise that there are a lot of airplane and flying related inquiries. So people have been searching door plug. It’s at a record high this month and safest feet on the plane. I know that I’ve searched that before, but I think even now people are. Like, do I want to sit next to the door? Is it great to have easy access? Prodigy. So that’s been top of mind. And then going back to trends, something. Else that’s been circulating on social channels are all these theories, and actually some of it is a little related to. The planes of burnt toast theory.

Bailey7:30: So the idea that if something bad happens, like burning your toast and you’re running late, or you try to do. That makeup and it’s not working out.

Bailey7:37: So you’re running late, it could actually be preventing something worse from happening. So burnt toast popped up when everything happened with the door plug. So funny little connection. And then something specific to Illinois. People are searching the red nail theory the most, which this idea that if you’re wearing red nail polish, it increases your odds of getting attention for a potential suitor, which I feel like is about to happen even more often as you get closer to Valentine’s Day. But all these funny little things that all make sense and are somehow all connected are finding their way on to our search trends.

Mason Paine8:10: I’m not going to lie, I love theories and conspiracies. Some conspiracies over the last few years have been incredibly crazy. And I miss the old conspiracies like Mothman or the men in know we need to bring those back. And the Burt toast is exactly what we need.

Bailey8:29: Yes, a little bit more lighthearted and. Fun and a little less controversial. Yes, it’s. Yeah, they’re fun to see what people are interested in, how they’re connecting things or justifying things. So, yeah, it’s definitely odd news.

Mason Paine8:46: Another fun thing is sports, and it was a month of sports and mostly Taylor Swift. But I have to take it from you, was that trending?

Bailey8:54: Surprisingly, in the trend results related to. Professional football, Taylor Swift was not in there, but her boyfriend, Travis Pelsey was. He was one of the top search players for January. I have reason to believe as we get closer to the Super bowl and as they head to Las Vegas, we will see his name popping up as well. Quarterback Patrick Mahomes was also top the list. And then it comes with no surprise that was the 49 ers also going to the Super Bowl. A couple of their players, Steve O. Samuel and Brock Kirby are among that list of most searched players.

Bailey9:28: And then last week with the AFC. And NFC championship games happening, a lot of people were wondering how many AFC championships Patrick Mahomes has been to. So it’s all about Kansas City to and Taylor Swift.

Mason Paine9:41: Yeah, right. I think it was more Taylor Swift in my feed. Or maybe it’s because I’m interested in Taylor Swift. It was like she was exploding.

Bailey9:50: Yeah, now, now, now I’m seeing my. Own feed where how is she going to get to the game? From her international concert. So yeah, our trends are all about. NFL, but I think we all can see the other things, related things that are popping up in relation to what people are searching.

Mason Paine10:10: I can’t wait for what the trends will look like for the Super bowl. I’m always interested in the commercials. Those are so expensive.

Bailey10:18: Yes, it’s so fun to watch.

Bailey10:21: And a lot of the search interest around Super Bowls. To your point, the top trends come out after the game because it’s a combination of the game and the results and who was there and the ads. So it’ll be fun. We’ll all just stay tuned to see. What the trends are for February in the Super bowl.

Mason Paine10:37: Now, the last thing that I’m always interested is food. Is there any recipes that were trending this month?

Bailey10:43: Oddly enough, when it came to food. It wasn’t the actual food that was trending. It was Stanley cups around how people are consuming water. So quote unquote Stanley cup craze was over 2000% interest and I think it’s because target announced a limited edition. I myself was kind of wondering why the Stanley cup is still trending and. Apparently others are too because that exact. Question was the search increase to 400%? So very interested in containers but not necessarily food and recipes. I think with Super bowl we’ll see a lot more of what people are making. But overall, just thinking people asking questions around the best water bottle for travel or water bottles that fit in a cup holder. So the craze continues.

Mason Paine11:29: Know that is crazy that Stanley cups knocked out charcuterie boards. I didn’t think it was possible.

Bailey11:37: Yes, recipes are always a hit and Stanley cup ain’t supreme,

Mason Paine11:43: Right? You know what, but maybe the crowd is right. I should have a Stanley cup. So I’m going to go out, I’m going to pay $300 for the limited edition one and see how it improves my life.

Bailey11:55: Yeah, go to target, fight the crowds and see what you end up with.

Mason Paine12:00: Well, Bailey, thank you so much for joining me. I really appreciate you being here. And for those listening, where can they find more information about all these trends.

Bailey12:07: They can find more information about Google Backslash trends and become their own trend expert.

Announcer 12:15: This has been the Mason Vera Paine show. Thanks for listening.

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