E-Sports News & NA LCS Summer Finals Preview

League of Legends, LCS Finals, Team Liquid, Cloud9, CLG, Clutch Gaming, Echo Fox, Phantoml0rd, Twitch, Lawsuit, Patch 9.17, Huni, Lira, Damonte, Cody Sun, Vulcan, Ruin, FallenBandit, Moon, Wiggily, PowerOfEvil, Auto, Stixxay, Biofrost, Licorice, Kumo, Blaber, Svenskeren, Nisqy, Deftly, Sneaky, Zeyzal, Impact, Xmithie, Jensen, Doublelift, CoreJJ, TF Blade, Mason Vera Paine, MVP Show, Team MVP, Masonverapaine.com, Inven Global, Nick Geracie, Buff, Nerf, Change, Yasuo

NA LCS (Photo Courtesy of Riot Games)

Inven Global E-Sports Reporter, Nick Geracie previews the upcoming LCS Summer Finals match: Cloud 9 VS. Team Liquid. Nick gives an update on what is going with Echo Fox and their future in the LCS. There were talks of actually buffing Yasuo; Mason wonders why they would even consider buffing Yasuo? Nick and Mason breakdown Yasuo kit and how it fits in the Meta. League of Legends Patch 9.17 nerfs, buffs and changes are discussed. The 50 million dollar lawsuit of former Twitch streamer James “Phantoml0rd” Varga, is discussed along with how this may change Twitch’s terms of service agreement moving forward.

Check out articles by Nick Geracie & other E-sports News: Invenglobal.com
Follow Nick Geracie on Twitter at: Twitter.com/Nickgeracie

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