Latest Apple News
Would you pay fifty dollars to watch a movie that’s in the theaters at home? Apple is looking to make this happen. Michael Simon, staff writer at PC World &…
Would you pay fifty dollars to watch a movie that’s in the theaters at home? Apple is looking to make this happen. Michael Simon, staff writer at PC World &…
When I was kid back to school supplies consisted of pens, pencils, a new pencil sharpener and a trapper keeper. Now back to school supplies consist of tablets and computers.…
On March of 2017 the FCC rolled back its landmark Internet Privacy Law. Founder & CEO of InfoTech: Matti Kon explains why this roll back is such a big deal…
With the entire world heading towards a digital utopia, cyber terrorism is an issue. However it is an issue that is not being addressed and seemingly has no solution. What…
We continue our conversation with: Associate Professor of Marketing at HEC Paris, Anne-Laure Sellier on how you can match the first name of strangers to their faces with high accuracy.…
Kurt Baumgarten, Principal Security Researcher at Kaspersky Labs gives tips on how you can protect your internet privacy from your service providers.