The Dangers of Cyber-Terrorism
With the entire world heading towards a digital utopia, cyber terrorism is an issue. However it is an issue that is not being addressed and seemingly has no solution. What…
With the entire world heading towards a digital utopia, cyber terrorism is an issue. However it is an issue that is not being addressed and seemingly has no solution. What…
We have all empathized with people and situations and sometimes we end up getting hurt. Is having empathy a good or bad thing? Joining me to break down empathy and…
We continue our conversation with: Associate Professor of Marketing at HEC Paris, Anne-Laure Sellier on how you can match the first name of strangers to their faces with high accuracy.…
Would you believe that Wi-Fi is an actual industry? Founder of Wi-Fi Now, Claus Hetting speak about the various innovations of Wi-Fi and why his organization is promoting the growth…
The free products & services that bring us convenience can also cause us difficulties; based on the Terms of Services Agreements that we as consumers agree to. Professor and Nationally recognized…
Author of: Surviving a Mass Killer Rampage: When Seconds Count Police Are Still Minutes Away, Chris Bird; discusses how Mass shootings shaped police tactics. Chris also gives tips on how…