Social Media – Mason Vera Paine The Unabridged Millennial Mon, 06 Dec 2021 02:51:48 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Social Media – Mason Vera Paine 32 32 Go to lifestyle podcast covering everything from technology, gaming, movie and tv reviews, pop culture, the supernatural and beyond, with host Mason Vera Paine, the Unabridged Millennial. Mason Vera Paine, the Unabridged Millennial false episodic Mason Vera Paine, the Unabridged Millennial © Copyright 2019 Mason Vera Paine © Copyright 2019 Mason Vera Paine podcast The Unabridged Millennial Social Media – Mason Vera Paine TV-G Chicago, IL Chicago, IL Frequently Team MVP: The False Realities of Social Media Mon, 06 Dec 2021 02:50:13 +0000 Source

As a society, we’re increasingly becoming more immersed in the digital world and developing social ties that exist only online. While the likes of Facebook and Instagram provide us with an opportunity to stay connected with loved ones, As a society, we’re increasingly becoming more immersed in the digital world and developing social ties that exist only online. While the likes of Facebook and Instagram provide us with an opportunity to stay connected with loved ones, it also presents a false reality that can take on a life of its own. Counselor and Author of "Sleeping With My Shoes On", L.J. Jackson explains how social media impacts us and what we can do to combat this effect. L.J also answers questions such as:

1.      Why are people affected mentally by social media?2.      What can people do to maintain a sense of self-worth while being on social media?3.      How can people be more mindful of what they post?4.      Do you find that social media is a good or bad thing for society?5.      What can we do to make social media less harmful?6.      What are some reasons people may be faking it on social media?7.      How do you feel about social media showcasing a life that is not realistic for many people?

For more information about L.J Jackson visit: PersonalPowerWithin.comLike L.J on Facebook at: and Follow L.J on Instagram at:

Mason Vera Paine, the Unabridged Millennial full false 7:51
The Dangers of Social Media Mon, 16 Jul 2018 15:00:44 +0000 Source

In the last few months we have heard disturbing stories & studies about social media. From: our data not being safe, to the negative effects it has on our mental and physical health, it’s promotion of procrastination and a host of other issues.
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Importance of Social Media Influencers Mon, 19 Feb 2018 17:40:32 +0000 Source

Qualcomm Director of Marketing, Jessica Jensen explains what social media influencers are and why they are an important part of society today. Jessica offers tips on how you too, can become a social media celebrity/influencer.
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Mason Vera Paine, the Unabridged Millennial full false 17:49
The good, the bad and the ugly of sharing on Social Media! Wed, 09 Aug 2017 15:30:26 +0000 Source

People nowadays share everything on their social media. From what they eat, where they go, what they buy. They live stream outing, dates, mishaps; you name it, they share it. But when does sharing become too much? Kaplan Test Prep, Yariv Alpher.






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