Psychology – Mason Vera Paine The Unabridged Millennial Thu, 24 Oct 2019 03:47:13 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Psychology – Mason Vera Paine 32 32 Go to lifestyle podcast covering everything from technology, gaming, movie and tv reviews, pop culture, the supernatural and beyond, with host Mason Vera Paine, the Unabridged Millennial. Mason Vera Paine, the Unabridged Millennial false episodic Mason Vera Paine, the Unabridged Millennial [email protected] © Copyright 2019 Mason Vera Paine © Copyright 2019 Mason Vera Paine podcast The Unabridged Millennial Psychology – Mason Vera Paine TV-G Chicago, IL Chicago, IL Frequently What is Gaslighting? & Are you a victim of it? Mon, 18 Jun 2018 15:00:56 +0000 Source

When it comes to dating and relationships there are so many new terms when referring to someone insidious behavior. The latest is called: Gaslighting. Author & Associate Director of Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence, Robin Stern breaks down what Gaslighting is and how to protect yourself from it.

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Mason Vera Paine, the Unabridged Millennial full false 26:04
Unwritten Rules of Online Dating Mon, 30 Oct 2017 15:00:58 +0000 Source

In the age of online dating, it’s a hit or miss getting people to respond to your profile. Depending on the service, its hard to describe who you are in 140 characters and in other instances you don’t want to write a manifesto about yourself. Smart Dating Academy, Bela Gandhi answers these questions and offers tips on how to navigate through the world of online dating.

For more information about Smart Dating Academy
You can like Bela Gandhi on Facebook
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Has technology made people less sociable? Mon, 16 Oct 2017 15:00:41 +0000 Source

From the self-check out line at the super market, to ordering a ride using an app, dating, you can even speak with a doctor and a nutritionist over an app or the computer. I see the profit within this for businesses but is the limiting of human interac... Natalie Moore

For additional information about Natalie visit: &
You can check out videos by Natalie at:

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All or Nothing: Why people no longer compromise? Wed, 27 Sep 2017 15:00:39 +0000 Source

In the past we were able to share different viewpoints with one another; you may not have agreed with the person but you at least heard them out and you agreed to disagree. However in the 21st century, things have changed; either you are all in or all ... Dr. Fran Walfish, explains why the vast majority of people are no longer willing to compromise

For more information about Doctor Fran Walfish visit:]]>
Mason Vera Paine, the Unabridged Millennial full false
Mental illness depiction in Hollywood Wed, 16 Aug 2017 15:00:16 +0000 Source

Mental health is a serious issue but when it comes to the depiction of it in Hollywood, it is either glamorized for example in movies like: American Psycho, The Accountant or individuals are depicted as villainous killers in horror movies like: Psycho ... Raymond Kotwicki.]]> Mason Vera Paine, the Unabridged Millennial full false
Social Media’s effect on mental health Wed, 19 Jul 2017 15:30:33 +0000 Source

Psychologist Dr. Anjhula Mya Singh Bais, explains how social media impacts individuals mental health and perception.   Dr. Anjhula Mya Singh Bais, explains how social media impacts individuals mental health and perception.

Mason Vera Paine, the Unabridged Millennial full false
How To Grow From A Loss? Wed, 12 Jul 2017 15:30:09 +0000 Source

We all have heard the term it doesn’t matter if you win or lose but it’s how you play the game? Well when people experience losses they do not walk away with such high thoughts of playing the game well; a loss is a loss. Whether its business, Author and Motivational speaker Lennox Cornwall explains how to grow from your losses.]]> Mason Vera Paine, the Unabridged Millennial full false
Is Having Empathy A Bad Thing? Mon, 12 Jun 2017 15:30:59 +0000 Source

We have all empathized with people and situations and sometimes we end up getting hurt. Is having empathy a good or bad thing? Joining me to break down empathy and how to protect yourself from being taken advantage of is an award-winning, Dr. Leslie Beth Wish.]]> Mason Vera Paine, the Unabridged Millennial full false
Ghosting; Society’s New Norm Wed, 07 Jun 2017 15:00:46 +0000 Source

Are you familiar with the term ghosting? Ghosting was a term that was originally associated with dating. The action of ghosting was when someone whom you went out on a date with never returned any sort of communication with you afterwards; whether it b... Mason Vera Paine, the Unabridged Millennial full false
Overcoming your Phobia’s Mon, 08 May 2017 15:00:00 +0000 Source

Phobia Relief Expert Kalliope Barlis talks about Phobia relief day (May 8) and how to over come a phobia. Kalliope Barlis talks about Phobia relief day (May 8) and how to over come a phobia.]]> Mason Vera Paine, the Unabridged Millennial full false