Business/Finance – Mason Vera Paine The Unabridged Millennial Mon, 18 Sep 2023 04:24:10 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Business/Finance – Mason Vera Paine 32 32 Go to lifestyle podcast covering everything from technology, gaming, movie and tv reviews, pop culture, the supernatural and beyond, with host Mason Vera Paine, the Unabridged Millennial. Mason Vera Paine, the Unabridged Millennial false episodic Mason Vera Paine, the Unabridged Millennial © Copyright 2019 Mason Vera Paine © Copyright 2019 Mason Vera Paine podcast The Unabridged Millennial Business/Finance – Mason Vera Paine TV-G Chicago, IL Chicago, IL Frequently Celebrating The 70th Anniversary of The Small Business Administration Mon, 18 Sep 2023 04:24:09 +0000 Source

The Small Business Administration is an invaluable resource for those seeking to launch their own business; but many are unaware of how exactly it can help you. Region Five Administrator, Geri Sanchez Aglipay; gives insights on the Small Business Admin... The Small Business Administration is an invaluable resource for those seeking to launch their own business; but many are unaware of how exactly it can help you. Region Five Administrator, Geri Sanchez Aglipay; gives insights on the Small Business Administration and how it can help you.

For information about the services SBA provides, visit: SBA.govLike the SBA on Twitter at: and Follow on SBA on Facebook at:

SBA 70th Anniversary Transcription

00:00 – Announcer: Mason Vera Paine.

00:09 - Mason Paine: In today's evolving entrepreneurial landscape, the importance of understanding the resources available to business owners is detrimental. One organization that has constantly supported the cause of small business is the Small Business Administration. This year marks a significant milestone for the SBA as it celebrates its 70th anniversary. Joining me to speak about the origin's achievements and where the SPA is headed in the future is Region's five administrator, Geri Sanchez-Aglipay. Thanks so much for joining me, Geri.

00:31 - Geri Aglipay: Thank you.

00:32 - Mason Paine: Now it's the 70th anniversary of the SBA. Can you tell me why was the SBA started in the first place?

00:39 - Geri Aglipay: The SBA was started in 1953 when President Dwight D. Eisenhower signed a law that created the SBA into existence. It really happened upon the heels of the Great Depression that had occurred, and then not long after World War II. And this country was looking to revitalize its economy in the 1950s given the economic conditions that had occurred, especially after World War. And so the FBA was established because we know that two out of three jobs are created by small businesses. It helps also to reinvest back into the community. We call that the multiplier fact. When you shop at a small business, you're actually making sure that those dollars are reinvested back into the community, shopping at small business, meaning that they're recirculated in the community, and they can be recirculated between seven to up to 10 times more in the community, which means that it can go towards shopping at other locations and reinvesting into the road, services and such. So really, shopping local does have that multiplier effect of reinvesting back into the community through commerce.

1:43- Mason Paine: Now that's really cool. But I'm also curious about what other programs does the SBA offer that's going to help entrepreneurs in general? Is there something that people don't know about?

1:53 - Geri Aglipay: Well, when we're celebrating our 70 years, we're celebrating the positive impact that we've had for American entrepreneurship, competition, and innovation through our economy. What we're doing now, that was with President Eisenhower and under President Biden and Administrator Guzman, we continue to put small businesses at the forefront of President Biden's investing in America agenda. What we're doing is that we are positioning the agency under Administrator, Guzman, and President Biden to meet people where they're at, leveraging technology, learning about that to improve customer service experience.]]>
Mason Vera Paine, the Unabridged Millennial full false 11:59
Find out how the Small Business Administration can help you start your business Sun, 23 Jul 2023 23:18:04 +0000 Source

The Small Business Administration is an invaluable resource for those seeking to launch their own business; but many are unaware of how exactly it can help you. Region Five Administrator, Geri Sanchez Aglipay; gives insights on the Small Business Admin... The Small Business Administration is an invaluable resource for those seeking to launch their own business; but many are unaware of how exactly it can help you. Region Five Administrator, Geri Sanchez Aglipay; gives insights on the Small Business Administration and how it can help you.

For information about the services SBA provides, visit: SBA.govLike the SBA on Twitter at: and Follow on SBA on Facebook at:

Mason Vera Paine and Geri Aglipay: SBA Transcription

00:00 – Announcer: Mason Vera Paine. 

00:01 – Mason: When it comes to entrepreneurship, many people don't know what resources are available to them and how to utilize them. One of those resources is the Small Business Administration or the SBA. Joining me to speak about this organization is Region 5 Administrator Geri Sanchez Aglipay. Thank you for taking the time to speak with me, Geri.

00:19 - Geri Aglipay: Good to be here. Thank you for having me.

00:22 – Mason: So tell me, prior to joining the SBA, what did you do?

00:25 - Geri Aglipay: I was at a national nonprofit organization where I oversaw field work and policy work for small business and economic development for the Midwest region, but also nationwide for women's entrepreneurship as well.

00:40 – Mason: Wow. So this sounds like it's a passion for you.

00:43 - Geri Aglipay: Building wealth and addressing financial insecurity and increasing prosperity is something that is not only a professional interest, but it's a personal interest and passion as well.

00:54 – Mason: Was there anything in particular that led you to the SBA, though?

00:58 - Geri Aglipay: What led me to the SBA was they were long time colleagues of mine with the federal government. And for a number of years, I had seen what good government does with the SBA field offices. And that's who I've been most familiar with working with, the SBA district offices. And working with them, not only for on the ground work, doing outreach to women and those who are traditionally socio economically disadvantaged, so to speak, really gave me such high regard for my colleagues who I were working with alongside all these years. When the pandemic hit, it was the SBA that I turned to because they were the ones who actually were supporting those small business owners who weren't prepared with so many of the financial aid and pandemic relief. I turned to them and I said, Hey, the business owners need our help. Can we do more regular partnerships? W e actually worked together before I was at the SBA and did a lot of outreach about how to navigate the pandemic and how to survive it and what are the free, no cost resources so anybody can get help what they need.

2:05 – Mason: Now, it's funny about the SBA. I know that that is a program that anybody can join, but it wasn't very well known, I think, before the pandemic. Do you think during the pandemic there was more light shed on those programs?

2:17 - Geri Aglipay: Absolutely. I mean, the Small Business Administration as a federal agency has been around for 70 years since President Eisenhower established it. He established it because he knew, which many economists and now people know more since the SBA became well known during the pandemic, is that small businesses are the backbone of our economy.]]>
Mason Vera Paine, the Unabridged Millennial full false 15:02
Project Censored: How to Find the Underreported News Sun, 05 Feb 2023 23:00:00 +0000 Source

The best news stories of the year are often ones that no one knows about. And that’s where Project Censored comes in. Professor of History at Diablo Valley & Director of Project Censored, Mickey Huff joins me to discuss what Project Censored is, The best news stories of the year are often ones that no one knows about. And that’s where Project Censored comes in. Professor of History at Diablo Valley & Director of Project Censored, Mickey Huff joins me to discuss what Project Censored is, and how it works to bring attention to overlooked news stories.

For more information about Project Censored visit: Projectcensored.orgFollow Project Censored on Twitter at: Project Censored on Facebook at: and Follow Project Censored on Instagram at:

Mason Vera Paine and Mickey Huff Interview Transcription

Mason Paine:  Professor of History at Diablo Valley and Director of Project Censored Mickey Huff joins me to discuss what Project Censored is and how it works to bring attention to overlook news stories. Thanks for joining me, Mickey.

Mickey Huff: It's an honor to be here.

 Mason Paine: So tell me, how did Project Censored start?

Mickey Huff: Project Censored was founded in 1976 at Sonoma State University in Northern California, which is just outside at the San Francisco Bay Area, founded by Carl Jensen, who had a background in communications, journalism, sociology of media. And the project began as a research initiative based on his observations of the way that the establishment press covered the Watergate scandal, which had happened earlier and led to President Richard Nixon's resignation by 1974. By 1976, not only, of course, had a lot come out about Watergate, but a lot more came out about the many scandals that were happening during the Nixon administration and, of course, the Johnson administration, but particularly around the Nixon administration of Watergate. Jensen noted that it took a while for the legacy press to get these stories out to the public in a timely manner. And he figured he kind of fancied himself as a media savvy character. Now, look, this is the 70s, so it's not Internet. There's no cable. There's just networks and legacy papers and radio. So it's a different media ecosystem at the time. But what Jensen noted was that there were independent outlets or smaller outlets that weren't part of the corporate media or legacy media that actually were reporting on a lot of these kind of things that were happening in an administration.

Mickey Huff: And it led him to this question, that's the genesis of Project Censored. And that was, what else don't we know that some outlets cover and some independent or alternative outlets cover, but most people never hear about them unless they're amplified by the legacy press or the network news, et cetera. Now, I'll translate that into more contemporaneous terms with cable and the Internet and social media and everything else. But Jensen then led that question to students, and he said, I want to do a project where you research the independent and alternative press for factual stories of significance. And I want you to then comb through them and see where the corporate media actually cover these stories. And if they do, how do they cover them? But if they don't, why don't they cover them? And that was the genesis of Project Censored going back to 1976, which then culminated into an annual report on the top Censored stories. Jensen pulled together a group of expert journalists and media scholars to judge stories,]]>
Mason Vera Paine, the Unabridged Millennial full false 24:28
Jerry Bryant Speaks About The History and Future of JBTV Sat, 14 May 2022 17:49:00 +0000 Source

Chicago Legend, Jerry Bryant started JBTV 38 years ago and hasn’t slowed down. Jerry stops by the Mason Paine Show to speak about what made him start JBTV and what he envisions the future for the show. For the latest information about JBTV visit: JB... Chicago Legend, Jerry Bryant started JBTV 38 years ago and hasn’t slowed down. Jerry stops by the Mason Paine Show to speak about what made him start JBTV and what he envisions the future for the show.

For the latest information about JBTV visit: JBTVMusic.comFollow JBTV on Twitter at: JBTV on Facebook at: and Follow JBTV on Instagram at:

Interview Transcription

Mason Paine: JBTV's Jerry Bryant is here to speak about the history of JBTV and what plans he has for the future for his show. Thanks for joining me, Jerry.

Mason Paine: I just have a couple of questions for you. What did you do before you started JBTV?

Jerry Bryant: Oh, wow. You know, I'm an old man now. So, I started out in 1968 with a company called studio 68 that was involved with helping teenagers get into radio.

Jerry Bryant: And that was in Milwaukee at, W O K Y and at WISN. And, I did workshops with a high school. 'cause, you know, I was a high school kid graduating . Wasn't with new, with junior achievement. So I got involved with that end WTMJ, TV. We did a TV show and I fell in love with TV. As soon as I got into the STV studio, I just loved television since I was a kid.

Mason Paine: Why didn't you go into a traditional TV, actually joined a TV station. I mean, you just made your own.

Jerry Bryant: Well TV, even back then, there was only three channels, you know, in Milwaukee and even here in Chicago, you know, then four or five, if you can, you know, put the educational stations in there, WTTW.

Jerry Bryant: Everything was very corporate, very big. But I started wanting to do my own thing. I loved music. And I did commercials for many years for like 300 radio stations, with a company called super spots. We did imaging. I worked with Joe Kelly, who is a famous voiceover guy and I was the production guy.

Jerry Bryant: We did all like ELO pink, Floyd, all those, you know, REO, Speedwagon, all those big concerts back in the day. Pink Floyd was the big one we did in the Milwaukee, one of the first open air concert. And, then I moved to Chicago like in 1979.

Mason Paine: Wow. So you were doing a lot of the background work. When did you decide to just start your own station JBTV?

Jerry Bryant: JBTV, came out of, literally it was a hobby cause we would do these radio stations spots, and they would have like Madonna and I'd have a one inch video tape. And on that video tape would be like Peter Murphy and a lot of these other bands. And I go. There's no. Cause you know, Jane Byrne was the you know, was our mayor at the time we didn't have cable in Chicago.

Jerry Bryant: So I got involved with doing production for, W G V O channel 66 back when it was a real, ethnic Gar Spanish TV station. And, they had like guns smokes. So I did the promos and in exchange. For the production like Gunsmoke tonight at nine, you know, that kind of stuff. I would do. I want to do JBTV, don't pay me.

Jerry Bryant: I just played music videos, and that's how I got started. Along with, I was also, I first started actually in 1984 with a, CAN TV 19, which is the public access channel, which a lot of Chicago famous people were on there. You know, they got their first start there because,]]>
Mason Vera Paine, the Unabridged Millennial full false 15:32
Why authoritarian leaders are feared and loved? Sat, 19 Feb 2022 04:47:19 +0000 Source

How is it possible for an authoritarian leader to be feared and loved at the same time? This question is answered by Assistant Professor and Academic Director at NEOMA Business School, Agata Mirowska. Follow Agata Mirowska on Twitter at: Twitter. How is it possible for an authoritarian leader to be feared and loved at the same time? This question is answered by Assistant Professor and Academic Director at NEOMA Business School, Agata Mirowska.

Follow Agata Mirowska on Twitter at:

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Mason Vera Paine, the Unabridged Millennial full false 10:16
How to get through the world of financial anxiety? Sat, 29 Jan 2022 22:56:39 +0000 Source

Whether you’re experiencing anxiety over financial stress or a flush bank account, the effects of money on your life can be quite common. Financial anxiety is caused by everything from credit card debt to student loans to fears of the unknown. Whether you’re experiencing anxiety over financial stress or a flush bank account, the effects of money on your life can be quite common. Financial anxiety is caused by everything from credit card debt to student loans to fears of the unknown. Money Psychology Expert, Richard Friesen speaks about the effect financial anxiety can have on people and how to overcome it.

For more information about Richard Friesen visit:

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Mason Vera Paine, the Unabridged Millennial full false 16:32
FBI Abuse of Force Database is at risk of being terminated Thu, 23 Dec 2021 05:27:50 +0000 Source

The FBI created a National Use of Force Database. Unfortunately, the database risks being discontinued. Policing Program Manager at The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights, Bree Spencer, joins Team MVP correspondent Brian Althimer to explai... The FBI created a National Use of Force Database. Unfortunately, the database risks being discontinued. Policing Program Manager at The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights, Bree Spencer, joins Team MVP correspondent Brian Althimer to explain why.

For information about The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights visit:

To review some of the abuse of force data available to the public visit: Accountablenow.comFollow The Leadership Conference on Twitter at: The Leadership Conference on Facebook at:

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Mason Vera Paine, the Unabridged Millennial full false 8:03
What are cockfights and what is being done to stop them? Sun, 12 Dec 2021 18:17:23 +0000 Source

It’s no secret that animal fighting is a violent and cruel practice. In fact, it’s been declared a felony in all 50 states and in U.S Territories Puerto Rico and Guam. Many people are surprised to learn just how often these fights happen, It’s no secret that animal fighting is a violent and cruel practice. In fact, it’s been declared a felony in all 50 states and in U.S Territories Puerto Rico and Guam. Many people are surprised to learn just how often these fights happen, and how widespread the problem is. President of Animal Wellness Action, Wayne Pacelle, explains why animal fighting is so big and why congress has got involved to curb it. Wayne also answers:

1      What animals are used the most in illegal animal fights?2.     Why has congress got involved with illegal animal fighting?3.      Has illegal animal fighting increased over the years?4.      Why has illegal animal fighting increased over the years?5.      What state has the most illegal activity when it comes to animal fighting?6.      How does the US Postal Service Fit into this into this equation?7.      Outside of animal fighting being illegal, what are some other dangers involved in this; that people should be aware of?

For more information about Animal Wellness Action visit: Animalwellnessaction.orgFollow Animal Wellness Action on Twitter at: Animal Wellness Action on Facebook at: and Like Animal Wellness Action on Instagram at:

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Mason Vera Paine, the Unabridged Millennial full false 10:39
Vaccine Mandate: Illinois to force those in the work force to choose between their job and their conscience Sun, 07 Nov 2021 15:53:59 +0000 Source

Illinois House of Representative from the 31st District, Mary Flowers joins Team MVP Correspondent, Brian Althimer to speak about the Illinois Right of Conscience Act and the purpose of amending the conscience exemption. Illinois House of Representative from the 31st District, Mary Flowers joins Team MVP Correspondent, Brian Althimer to speak about the Illinois Right of Conscience Act and the purpose of amending the conscience exemption. Representative Flowers also gives her thoughts on Illinois Governor JB Pritzker declaring gun violence a public health crisis.

Mason Vera Paine, the Unabridged Millennial full false 14:41
Understanding Zombie Foreclosures With Rogers Healy Tue, 26 Oct 2021 02:18:29 +0000 Source

If you’re worried about foreclosure in this cut throat housing market, it’s important to understand what foreclosures are, how they work, and what you can do to avoid one. Here are some of the most common types of foreclosures, If you’re worried about foreclosure in this cut throat housing market, it’s important to understand what foreclosures are, how they work, and what you can do to avoid one. Here are some of the most common types of foreclosures, along with some helpful advice for preventing foreclosure with CEO and Owner of The Rogers Healy Companies, Rogers Healy.

For more information about The Rogers Healy Companies visit: RogersHealyMedia.comFollow and Like Rogers Healy Realtor on Instagram at: and Like Rogers Healy on Instagram at:

Mason Vera Paine, the Unabridged Millennial full false 9:30